Day 33/365: Blue Cakes
There was plenty of food and desserts at work. I did not partake in it because I'm on a body-reset diet!
— Ridwan Always happy to Discuss... or Reply via email
There was plenty of food and desserts at work. I did not partake in it because I'm on a body-reset diet!
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I'm starting a 4-week fitness challenge to kickstart my weight loss journey. The first thing to sort out is my diet. I'm looking forward to my measurement after the end of August.
— Ridwan Always happy to Discuss... or Reply via email
A random walk through the Trans Pennine Trail, Warrington
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A good walk around Warrington Town Centre. We ate waffles.
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It was an easy Friday. Spent most of the day chilling.
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I managed to go for a short half-hour walk before the rain. Winning!
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I attended a Toastmasters meeting after many years. It was fun and exciting. I look forward to becoming a member to improve my communication skills.
— Ridwan Always happy to Discuss... or Reply via email
A nice evening walk beside the rail tracks. A few days back, we saw the tracks buckle in the heat. I'm grateful for the rain and coolness after the heat.
— Ridwan Always happy to Discuss... or Reply via email